Tuesday, January 28, 2025

LMT Day 5 - 8/19/24 - Holtwood Campground, Oconto, WI to JW Wells State Park, Cedar River, MI, 55 miles

 Todays ride started on Y road and Bay Shore road along the bay.  After just a few miles we had to divert inland away from the bay, first to go around the Peshtigo Harbor State Wildlife Area, and then later to avoid highway 35, which has high truck traffic and no shoulders on its way to Cedar River.  We were on pretty rough country roads most of the day.  Lots of beautiful farmland.   The towns of Marinette, WI and Menominee, MI lie on the banks of the Menominee River which is the dividing line between Wisconsin and Michigan.  We will stay in Michigan for the rest of the trip.   This side of Michigan is the upper peninsula or the U.P. as everyone here calls it.

A good part of the last 10 miles to JW Wells was on highway 35, which got us closer to the bay with some nice views, but also had heavy truck traffic.   About half of the distance on 35 had very little shoulder to ride on.

The state park is very nice!  Completely wooded.   Our tent site has water and electrical.  The showers are great.  We walked down to the beach and sat for awhile enjoying the bay.

Someone built a pirates ship in their front yard!  The Red Pearl - not the Black Pearl.

Todays route

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